Interview with GM Norm holder IM S P Sethuraman

I first saw this shy but confident looking lad at Sangli, in a very small tournament. International Master Sethuraman was attending the tournament as a part of his family's journey to Shirdi, a favorite religious place for many. He was one of the two IMs participating at that tournament. Although he finished tied for the first position, it was obviously not his best performance, one reason being that he had played two consecutive tournaments before that tournament.

After a couple weeks of rest and preparation, he proceeded to play at Parsvnath and Gurgaon, two major tournaments held in India. The results were there for all to see and appreciate. Sethuraman managed to get his GM norm at Parsvnath and just missed another by half a point. In the bargain, he beat some very strong GMs like Gleizerov, Iuldachev, Safin and drew against Kuzubov, Ulibin, Kunte, Ismagambetov. The only blip being his loss against GM Das. What an amazing turnaround! Here was one of India's most promising prodigies playing like a seasoned professional even before he turned 16 (on Feb 25)

Sethuraman playing GM Ulibin Hello! Congrats on your amazing performances in the last couple of months!
Sethuraman: Thanks.

imchess: Did you finish your exams?
Sethuraman: I finished my model exams and the final exams start on March 4th.

imchess: Oh! I'll try to wind this interview fast so that you can concentrate on your studies.
Sethuraman: No, its fine. It's good to have a break in between. I have finished most of the preparations. (Sethuraman is giving his 11th standard exams and is a good student having scored 83% marks in his 10th standard exams. His school Velammal boasts of other strong players such as Adhiban and Shyam Sundar. They encourage Chess a lot.)

imchess: How did you turnaround your form from normal to really outstanding in a matter of a couple of months? At Sangli, you just about performed at your expected rating and at Parsvnath and Gurgaon, you really played at GM levels.
Sethuraman: At Sangli I did not have enough rest before the event. I was playing 3 tournaments consecutively.

Sethuraman with Anand at the Delhi tournament, where Anand was making one of his first public appearances after his World Championship title win

Watch games where Sethuraman beat GMs

GM Safin vs IM Sethuraman 0-1

GM Iuldachev vs IM Sethuraman 0-1

imchess: Who is your coach?
Sethuraman: My father, Panaiappan (a National B player) taught me Chess at age 5 and has been my coach. I also had a 21 day coaching session with GM R B Ramesh. I was also trained by IM P Konguvel.

Sethuraman after coming back with a medal at the World Youth Chess Championships. GM R B Ramesh is sitting at the extreme right. Also in the center is elite GM K Sasikiran

imchess: How do you usually prepare for tournaments?
Sethuraman: I prepare using my laptop using Chess engines. I also prepare from relevant books.

imchess: Do you prepare with your Schoolmates like Adhiban? Many strong GMs play practice matches with strong players of their cities or countries. Even Anand worked with Sasikiran and Ganguly from India.
Sethuraman: I used to do that earlier and we even visited each other's homes to prepare but now it is difficult to find time.

imchess: How has this rating period been for you?
Sethuraman: This period has been good for me. I have gained points from the two major tournaments and also earned a GM norm. I missed another norm by just half a point. In addition to this, I finished 5th at Parsvnath in a strong field.

imchess: Did you have any specific strategies for these two tournaments? Any goals?
Sethuraman: I did not perform at my best at the last two tournaments before Parsvnath, so I was determined to correct that and also was aiming to gain ELO points and get the GM norm.

imchess: I noticed that you sometimes simplify to favorable endgames directly, for example against GM Safin. Is that deliberate or is it because the position demands that?
Sethuraman: With Black, I try to equalize and wait for the opponent to push hard and make an error. Against Safin, I had prepared the particular variation in detail and hence simplified to a favorable position. I am comfortable in all positions. For example, in the game against Gelizerov, I had a pleasant position right from the opening and he actually offered me a draw on move 13 but I refused since I had prepared upto move 16 for that particular game. I played on since I am comfortable in such positions and eventually won. It also happened to be my first breakthrough with the black pieces.

Sethuraman on his way to beating GM Gleizerov

imchess: What about the games with the strong GM Kuzubov and GM Iuldachev?
Sethuraman: I have played Kuzubov twice and drawn both games, which mostly turned to be major pieces endgames. Against Iuldachev, I played aggressively and beat him since I was very confident after earning my 10 game GM norm and also because I was more relaxed.

imchess: What about encounters with Indian GMs? You will probably start meeting them over the board more often now.
Sethuraman: I have played some strong Indian GMs like Ganguly, Kunte, Gopal and so on. My score was not favorable so far, but off late I have started played much better against them.

imchess: What about overseas exposure? Have you played good tournaments out of India?
Sethuraman: I have played the World Youth Championships, where I won medal. Under the Sai Scheme, I went to Spain, Biel (Switzerland), and France.

imchess: Do you have sponsors to travel and play?
Sethuraman: My father is scouting for sponsors so that I can play more regularly in important tournaments. He is a full time Chess coach.

imchess: What are your ambitions in Chess say 2-3 years from now and 10 years down the line?
Sethuraman: I first want to become a GM and then aim for a rating of 2600 over the next 2 years. In the longer term, I want to become an elite GM of say 2700 and above.

imchess: Who are your idols in Chess?
Sethuraman: Fischer and Kasparov inspire me. Among the current players, Anand and Topalov are my heroes. I like Fischer's playing style a lot.

imchess: Have you had a chance to meet your Idols? Any advice they gave you?
Sethuraman: Yes, I met Anand at his home and also after his Bonn win. He gave me advice for one of my tendencies to push too hard in clearly drawn positions and losing sometimes. He told me to assess the position objectively and compromise if it is a clear draw, especially with black pieces. For example, I lost many games that way in France 2005 at the World Youths.

imchess: Do you prepare with physical and mental training for your tournaments?
Sethuraman: Yes, I go for jogs and also do Yoga and Meditation.

imchess: What is your next tournament? Are you playing at the Mumbai Mayor's tournament?
Sethuraman: My next tournament is in Dubai after my exams. I will not be able to play at the Mumbai tournament since it clashes with Dubai.

imchess: Thank you for your time and good luck for your future! Prepare well for your exams.
Sethuraman: Thank you.

Interview by M Jagadish


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