Live Chess Ratings Commentary

The Live Chess Ratings list shows some exciting changes.

We now have three highly entertaining/enterprising/risk-taking fighters in the top 10 - Ivanchuk, Morozevich, and Nakamura. Of course, the other top players are no less entertaining, but they are pretty much stable in the top list.

World Championship contenders V Anand and B Gelfand are at No. 2 and 14 respectively. If you glance a little lower, you see that Tomashevsky has gained huge points and now is well placed to enter the top 10. The big losers recently are Kamsky and Ponomariov.

For India, we have a 2700+ player back in the group after a long time. K Sasikiran is playing the Corsica Masters and one hopes that he maintains the form that has brought him this invitation.



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