Corus Chess mid day live online commentary

Corus mid day live commentary

Mamedyarov vs Carlsen

Mamedyarov always had a plus and was almost close to a significant plus, but he delayed the f pawn advance. Carlsen then managed to gain equality by move 23.

Ivanchuk vs Polgar

This queen's indian defence game was always balanced and Polgar has a slight edge in the middle game.

Aronian vs Topalov
By far one of the most exciting games on display today. Topalov made some amazing moves to bring the white king into the middle. But he missed a promising continuation and the game is drawish.

Radjabov vs Anand

A Semi-slav game with 5. Bg6 h6
Anand chose to sacrifice his castling rights to gain two pawns but Radjabov gave them back to get a decent edge by the middle game stage. Anand missed the right continuation to achieve balance.


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