Wijk aan Zee Chess records

Vishwanathan Anand holds the record for most wins at Corus, formerly Hoogovens. He's won 5 titles so far. Max Euwe, Viktor Korchnoi, and Lajos Portisch are next with 4 tournament wins each. Kasparov won it three times and Karpov twice.

Here's the leading list.

Tournament wins, Name

5 Anand, Viswanathan
4 Euwe, Max
4 Korchnoi, Viktor
4 Portisch, Lajos
3 Garry Kasparov
3 Donner, Johannes
3 Geller, Efim
3 Nunn, John D.M.
2 Karpov, Anatoly
2 Larsen, Bent
2 Nigel Sort
2 Nikolic, Predrag
2 Olafsson, Fridrik
2 Polugaevsky, Lev
2 Salov, Valery
2 Jan Timman
2 Veselin Topalov
2 Sosonko, Gennadi, others


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