Humpy outwits Hort

GM Humpy is known for her tenacity. She recently spearheaded the Snowdrops against the Old hands in the Czech Coal Chess Match and beat them handily.

Here is a sample of her endgame skills against the experienced veteran GM Hort.

In the diagram, Humpy has laid a clever trap for Hort with 73. Kb2. Hort falls for it and goes for a potential pawn grab with 73 ... Kg3

74. Rc3! Kg2 75. Ra3!! The point. Horror of horrors! Humpy polishes it off with 76. Rxa7 Kxh3
77. Kc3 Kxg4 78. Kd2 Kh3 79. Ke2 g4 80. Kf1 Kh2 81. Ra2+ Kh1 82. Ra4 h3 83. Kf2
1-0 Painful for Hort.

Follow the full game here:


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