IM S P Sethuraman vs GM A Gupta, Indian Premier Chess

IM SP Sethuraman from Chennai is just 15 and won the World U-16 title recently. GM Abhijeet Gupta is also very young but is outplayed by his younger opponent. Sethuraman plays with the flair worthy of a GM, a title which he will acquire very soon. In the position, Sethuraman harasses the black Queen and wins it by force.
What will you play after 37 Rd8.

Solution: Black must play 37 ... Qf5 and hope to survive the material deficit and inferior position. He will at least have a Queen swap. Whereas, in the game, Black lost the Queen after playing 37 ... Qc6? Sethu has the brillant stroke 38 Bd6, which serves double purpose. After 38 ... Re8 39 b5! Black loses the Queen for a Rook and the game.

Watch this exciting upset here


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