Boris Spassky vs Magnus Carlsen - Old Wine vs New Blood !
Boris Spassky (GM) and Magnus Carlsen (GM)
What are Carlsen's chances of matching the achievements of Boris Spassky ? Well, we'd like to hear from you. Here are the comparisons so far. Carlsen has the same kind of skills in terms of general style, which is comfort in both attacking and defending. Spassky could attack as well as play well in a simplified and boring game.
Boris Spassky | Magnus Carlsen | |
Date of Birth | 30 Jan 1937 | 30 Nov 1990 |
Nationality | Russia, later France | Norway |
Started Chess at | Five (War time) | Five (Peace time) (Tournament at Eight |
Trained by | Vladimir Zak Alexander Tolush Igor Bondarevsky | Henrik Carlsen Simen Agdestein |
Grandmaster at | 18 | 13 |
Significant Achievements | World Junior Champion USSR Champion World Champion Gold European Team Championships 13 Olympiad medals Winner Santa Monica Winner Linares Winner Leiden Joint Winner Bugojno | Corus Wijk and Zee Group C Winner European U-14 Bronze Norwegian Champion Winner Biel 10th Place World Cup Second at Linares |