Kramnik Anand Game 3 Analysis

Amazing Position from an Amazing Game

Let us analyze an interesting position from yesterday's game 3 of the World Chess Championship. This occured at the closing stages of the game. Note that both players were under intense time pressure after playing an amazing game of cat and mouse. Anand's daring opening ploy and Kramnik's innovative defence already made sure that this is a game to remember.

Kramnik struggled hard and emerged out of a dangerous position where he can now try to hold on somehow to a draw. Both the Kings are exposed and anything is possible in terrible time trouble.

32. ... Bf5+

Kasparov is said to have found the most accurate continuation and that is 33 Kb3, after which the line should be 33 ... Rc1 34 a5 Bc2+ 35 Qxc2 Rxc2 36 Kxc2 Qc5+ 37 Kb1 Qxb5+ 38. a6 Qd5 39 a7 Qa8 40 b4 and it is a easy draw at this level.

But Kramnik blunders under time pressure.

33. Bd3??
Kramnik doesn't realize what is possible.
Anand can win outright here with 33 ... Bxd3+! 34 Rxd3

(Not Qxd3?? It loses immediately due to 35 ... Rg2+ 36 Kd1, and it is mate in 3 moves). See this variation in this Picture.

The other possible varation after 33 ... Bxd3 is 34 Rxd3, which continues in the following direction. 34 ... Qc4+ 35 Rc3 Qxe2+ 36. Kb3 Rb1 37 Rc2 Qd3+ 38 Rc3 Qd5+ 39 Rc4 Rc1 40 Kb4 Qxc4+ and it is a mate in 3. See this variation in this Picture.

Incidentally, Anand played 33 ... Bh3 and chose a longer route to victory. He probably played whatever he could quickly see as a winning line under the time pressure situation.

If you want to know how the actual game was played, you can follow it here.


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