Kramnik vs Anand - Round 1

Alright! It's Anand's staple, the Slav with black, the Exchange variation.

Key Moments (See Diagram)

Nothing spectacular right now, especially since Anand seems to have equalized easily. One small note though, Kramnik's 14 move, Qb4 is interesting and not really drawing mood type move.

Anand's 17 ... a5 seems to be provacative and loses a bit of momentum.

Anand again chose 22 ... Rd8 instead of the more solid Rc2, which occupies the crucial 2nd rank. But that line is a drawing variation.

Here's an interesting continuation, but even this should be a draw with precise play. (Possibility - 23 Rad1 Rc2 24 a4 Rd7 25 d5 e5 26 Bd2 Bh5 27 Bxa5 Bxd1 28 Rxd1. It's still drawish, but an interesting tussle between the Rook and Bishop)

24. e5 almost looks like a mini-mistake. The Engines actually indicate a negligible plus for Anand, but it requires more analyzing for sure. But with just Rooks and Bishop on the board, its almost endgame time.
24 ... fxe5 again, looks like a mini-mistake, this time from Anand's side. But even now, all the lines are looking drawish.
The game ended in a draw after 32 moves when only the opposite colored bishops were on the board along with the pawns. This game will be a small moral victory for Anand. He is now settled into the match mood and has white in tomorrow's game.

Watch the Game Here

Kramnik vs Anand 1/2-1/2


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