Tomashevsky beats Morozevich

The news of Round no. 8 was of course Morozevich losing to Evgeny Tomashevsky. Just two mistakes sealed Moro's fate. With the first one, he lost the advantage, with the second, it was graveyard time. Tomashevsky must be given credit for the nice finish without giving Moro a second chance.

As for the key game of the day, Svidler vs Vitiugov, it was drawn after 67 long moves just as we were about to stick our necks out and declare that it will be a draw.

This means that Svidler retains the lead with 5.5 points with Alekseev, Vitiugov, and Timofeev hot on his heels with 5 points.

Tomashevsky vs Morozevich Key Moments (See Diagram)

26. .... g5 (the simple 26 ... Ra8 actually is a slight plus for Morozevich. Be careful with your King pawn pushes, Moro. We know how many times you've shown magic with that though)

34. ... Na5 (handing the win on a platter. 34 ... Na3 35. Bxb6 Nxb5 exchanges pawns and is a draw with precise play.)

Tomashevsky vs Morozevich 1-0


Svidler 5.5
Vitiugov, Alekseev, Timofeev 5
Jakovenko 4.5
Morozevich, Lastin, Tomashevsky 4
Sakaev 3.5
Riazantsev 3
Maslak 2.5
Inarkiev 2


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