European Club Cup Round


Cercle d’Echecs Monte Carlo in the Women's section and URAL Sverdlovskaya in the Open section won the European Club Cup tournaments.

An astounding fact - Vladimir Malakhov and Artashes Minasian won every single round and ended up with rating performances of 3187 and 3002 respectively. Note that Minasian played in 6 rounds of the possible 7 rounds.

After the 6th round of the European Club Cup being held at Kallithea, OSG Baden-Baden e.V and Cercle d’Echecs Monte Carlo lead the standings in the Open and the Women's sections respectively.

Carlsen, who is a member of OSG Baden-Baden, lost to Ivanchuk yesterday.

Here's the game.

Note the mistakes by Carlsen at move 26 and 27.

26 ... Qc7? (27 g5 Nh7 28 f4 gives long term advantage. Ivanchuk chose another, equally sound line with 27 c5)
27 ... Rcd8 ?. Its the beginning of the end.

Ivanchuk - Carlsen 1-0


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