Belgrade Street to be named after Bobby Fischer

There is an initiative that has been started to name a Belgrade Street after Chess Legend Bobby Fischer.

The Balkan Insight says "Look for non-Serb names, too, like Theodore Dreiser, Archibald Rice, Anton Chekov, Anne Frank, Samuel Beckett, Georges Clemenceau, Patrice Lumumba, and President Kennedy. Often these people had some direct connection with Serbia, like Jacob Grimm, of the Brothers Grimm, who learned Serbian so he could read the country’s folklore in the original. In 2007, a decision was made to name a street after the late Japanese Ambassador Keisuke Oba, who had been associated with the former Yugoslavia for 30 years, and who is buried in Belgrade. An initiative is now underway for a street to be named after the legendary chess champion, Bobby Fischer."

We also noticed a certain Prof. Leko. Can anyone tell us if he is related to someone we know well?

The full article is available here


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